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Monday, November 12, 2007

I'm back here for a short update. Hehe...

Had a great weekend with Pst Ulf Ekman svc. Haha. Saturday's service was great as Pst Ulf preached on the need for the Spirit in our loves. Not just any spirit but the Holy Spirit. Although it was the starting for a 2-part message, it had been so exciting even just hearing it and truely, He's the strength through Christ who strengthens us. =)
Guess the service was so exciting until it ended at near 9pm! Haha. 3 hr 45 min of svc. Can't believe it man. Well Fai Ming and his friend, Mio came but too bad they left early. But it was still God's grace that they came, no matter how convenient to them things may be. Haha.

Went for makan with the guys and only reached home at near 12pm because of some cell group issues. And so cute ah,after i went home and did duty planning, i printed out the usher forecast and allocation, and i forgot to print out to duty brief notes!!!!! And i only realised it on my way to church with Hwee Tze. Haiz.. No wonder i felt something missing...

Anyway, I was quite excited for the duty because i'm doing Delta 1 for the 1st time. Was stuck on Delta 2 and Echo 1 for quite many times. OOps! Well... The duty started with a big bang really..Shan't go onto much details except for some ushers. ANyway service was exciting and so sadly, i couldn't listen to the message but well.. get notes lor. haha..

So sad next duty will be the last duty with the guys going over to JW the following week and during the debrief Juan mentioned about haing that duty with a big bang, then Pinde asked how big she wanted the bang to be? (which means trouble) so funnt la. Haha.

My first sailing's coming this week... So excited about it but well... All things have it's pros and cons, so yea. Well that's all for now... gonna go nw till next time!

it got me home
10:16:00 PM

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Back to normal blogging.. Whahaha.. Anyway, this weekend is real powerful, simply love this week so much!!!

Fri had cell group meeting and had game of tennis before that, real cool and first time learning how to play tennis and got spotted in me playing tennis as if it's badminton. Well, can't switch to tennis techniques for the 1st time right? and can u believe timothy is the one teaching me? (he's 11yrs old btw lol)
Then Qizhi shared during cgm about challenging the limited mindset of ours and learning to visualise, speaking and praying about the things we see. Especially in the area of our finances whereby there's authority and it requires wisdom to multiply our finances and making full use of it to be a blessing. That's what I'm gonna do man!! Ha.

Saturday comes a powerful message by PK. Ha.. Similar to what Qz preached on believing, speaking, visualising and praying about it of the things we see. If Abram could have from God what he can see, why not us? Whatever we can see, we can have it! That's the most powerful word so far! Hahaha.
Went for dinner with the guys at Bugis Mong Kok cafe and celebrated Cabb's bday! haha.. next up will be Cyn's bday but anyway, ended up only reached home at 4am and had to wake up at 6am this morning! Lol

Morning, woke up at 6am, almost didn't want to wake up. haha. Was late in meeting hwee tze coz got to print allo plus iron my clothes but thank God we weren't late for duty. Haha.
Morning's duty was great, but somehow I feel I'm hitting the ceiling of where I am now and I need something to help me breakthrough. Just feel so lost in that area but anyway, manage to grasp what's necessary to make a briefing more interesting. Got to reinforce in that area.. Ah.. God, can i be delta 1 or hotel 2 for the next duty? I really wanna breakthrough and I need the confidence to do so!! Yea!!!

Balance is the key. kana chased by 93 to join in the PM during prayer meeting and got warned by her also for 'not spending time with cg'. Ahhh.. jialart ah...

Got to go now. EOC on Thu, OJT starts on Fri. Somehow I pray svc duty won't clash with QM but that means another level of balance le. God You are really leading me to the next level ah.. Haha!


it got me home
8:28:00 PM

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Such a long time since I last blogged. Routine's as per normal for the last 2 weeks and course is ending soon which means I'll be posting to ship pretty soon, finishing up the last phase of my NS before ORD. Haha... Quite cool when you know where you are leading at the end of the race...

Yea, presence of Holy Spirit is great. Recently a lot of signs and revelations from the Lord about my calling, plus things I got to do about myself. Key word: Balance.

DIdnt eve realise i got myself too busy with ministry and i thought everything was in perfect balance and I guess that's one side on my part. Had a talk with alan and it really shed new light to what's really going on well. At one moment I really wanted to blame someone for some stuff but thank God for Him and the maturity He had given, it didn't overwhelmed me in the end. Haha..

First and foremost have to really decide on the route which I'm going to take, plan on the direction and the methods.. Got to learn to prioritise le. Somehow I still need confirmation. Ahhh...

it got me home
9:35:00 PM

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Isa 40:31 - But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

This is the verse that Xue'er gave it to me as an encouragement verse when I was down recently.. And so happened that 2 days later though it was a mass send sms by Benny, it coincided with what Xue'er sent, the exact same verse! God can be so wonderful in doing miraculous things in things you least expect Him to appear! Lol

Anyway, I'm so glad this week I'm doing Delta 1 for duty and means I'd passed my Delta 2 le! Haha!! Yea! Anyway God's with me and I'm happy that I'm growing too! Sounds kiddy but who doesn't like to be loved by someone else? Lol. Anyway I'm gonna perform well for this duty and constantly improve myself with the experience I'd gained and definitely a lot of people I wanna thank like Carrie, Eliz etc.. Haha.

All the way for God!! =)

Anyway, with God's around, things are gonna be alright with God, or even better!! =)

it got me home
11:24:00 PM

Man.. this past week it had been great!!

God's presence was so imminent whenever I needed Him and I could feel the Holy Spirit guiding me in going about my everyday life but sometimes I just simply lost the connection or the flesh took over to ignore Him. I definitely need to improve on those things!! I want to be an overcomer in Christ and strengthening my own spiritual life!!

Recently so glad that my darling is around with me and life has never been greater with her around and I really want to honour her with confidence and love! Seriously... God brought her to me for a reason and I can see our relationship shaping to what God intends a spiritual relationship to be, with Him in the centre! (somehow the things taught by Pst during marriage seminar is coming into play.. Lol)

Apart from that... My finances.. Ah!!!
Bills are coming up, so many old debts dated since the early days also need to settle.. Somehow I had the vision of settling everything by next yr April when the 3rd building fund ends when Pst was preaching about giving and tithing 2 weeks back.
And just the previous Sunday, I had a faith pledge amount from the Lord.. it's double of what i gave from the last building fund and already from the last building fund i had difficulties int the 1st place fulfilling it although i did it in the end.
God had been indicating to me of being a good steward in my area of finances and finances is like my lifeline. I want to be prosperous in the blessings of God, to be able to bless other people without worries also. To be giving with the right attitude of wanting to bless the blesser, not to guarantee blessings will come to me when I give.
The faithfulness to give, discipline to follow up on the debts to ensure they are settled, plus willingness of the heart!!

God I now that You are now with me and Your presence are always so tangible! God I want to be so much closer to You t hear from You! Thank You God! =)

it got me home
10:28:00 PM

Monday, October 01, 2007

Today's service duty is a success~~ Haha.

Did Delta with Elizabeth and 3S5! Man, today was real exciting and glad that everything went well.. Though there were problems like shortage of manpower, or little flow in the beginning, if not miscommunication in instructions.

Must really thank God for bringing us through today as it was really hard plus the many problems faced. Great battle fought, but victory is claimed!! =)
It gets pretty scary when you see 84, 93 and 93 Alpha in your zone while you get people to come over to your zone to fill up, especially when the zones were not as filled as Charlie and Bravo. And it's usually not a good indication that leaders go up to your zone to help in the situation plus I thought I screwed up big time,. But I'm glad things turned out well in the end.

Some amazing things that happened to me today:
1. Got praised by 93 for job well done today!!
2. Got a comment from Peifen saying some CGL told her I did a good job today.
(Funny thing was I didn't know what I did nor who's the CGL is)
3. Realised that i'm at a certain level in others' eyes, esp when I talk to Jessica today.
(Not easy to live up to other people's expectations...)
4. Affirmation from God through the revelation He gave about myself in ministry.

I was just sharing with blur blur today, about how it came by a revelation that ushering is not just about the technical aspects of ensuring the zone is filled etc, but towards meeting the needs of the ushers spiritually for example. Same as any other leaders, we are accountable for the people that are under us and it's important that we meet their needs as much as possible.

I want to be a leader that's relational, faith + vision imparting person to my fellow peers / ushers. I just felt God with me today after service, encouraging me and pushing me forward to do more great things for Him!
Next duty's gonna be Delta 1 and Alvin's Delta 2. Things are gonna be exciting and it's Baby dedication weekend! Gonna see a loy of cute babies around! whaha..

Will be back later to upload pics!!

it got me home
12:17:00 AM

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

next update will be some photoblogs! stay tune!! =)

it got me home
11:35:00 PM


Junius Solomon, 21!
serving NS and can't wait to be doing more for God!!


Ushering, reading, going out, online chatting, badminton, kayaking!
Being with people in E343, E214, UM G3 and the navy family!
People are the reason why i exist, to fellowship with!




Ei Chien


November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007


zero one two three four


If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.

If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home.
If its only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home

If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home

Boy, my love will get you home
Boy, my love will get you home