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Monday, November 12, 2007

I'm back here for a short update. Hehe...

Had a great weekend with Pst Ulf Ekman svc. Haha. Saturday's service was great as Pst Ulf preached on the need for the Spirit in our loves. Not just any spirit but the Holy Spirit. Although it was the starting for a 2-part message, it had been so exciting even just hearing it and truely, He's the strength through Christ who strengthens us. =)
Guess the service was so exciting until it ended at near 9pm! Haha. 3 hr 45 min of svc. Can't believe it man. Well Fai Ming and his friend, Mio came but too bad they left early. But it was still God's grace that they came, no matter how convenient to them things may be. Haha.

Went for makan with the guys and only reached home at near 12pm because of some cell group issues. And so cute ah,after i went home and did duty planning, i printed out the usher forecast and allocation, and i forgot to print out to duty brief notes!!!!! And i only realised it on my way to church with Hwee Tze. Haiz.. No wonder i felt something missing...

Anyway, I was quite excited for the duty because i'm doing Delta 1 for the 1st time. Was stuck on Delta 2 and Echo 1 for quite many times. OOps! Well... The duty started with a big bang really..Shan't go onto much details except for some ushers. ANyway service was exciting and so sadly, i couldn't listen to the message but well.. get notes lor. haha..

So sad next duty will be the last duty with the guys going over to JW the following week and during the debrief Juan mentioned about haing that duty with a big bang, then Pinde asked how big she wanted the bang to be? (which means trouble) so funnt la. Haha.

My first sailing's coming this week... So excited about it but well... All things have it's pros and cons, so yea. Well that's all for now... gonna go nw till next time!

it got me home
10:16:00 PM


Junius Solomon, 21!
serving NS and can't wait to be doing more for God!!


Ushering, reading, going out, online chatting, badminton, kayaking!
Being with people in E343, E214, UM G3 and the navy family!
People are the reason why i exist, to fellowship with!




Ei Chien


November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007


zero one two three four


If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.

If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home.
If its only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home

If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home

Boy, my love will get you home
Boy, my love will get you home