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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Click here to find out about the truth and the Da Vinci Code

it got me home
11:01:00 PM

Ok.. Let's have a short blogging session.. Haven't been updating for nearly a week le. Haha.. Yea! Tomorrow's Emerge, in about 24 hours! Haha..

Gonna rush down for duty after tomorrow's work.. thinking of asking Don to give me a ride since he lives in bedok.. then i can quickly reach church. Lol.. Gonna be real busy over Emerge conference with ministry and still got cell group matters to do. Stressed liao. Haha.. Time for expansion in capacity to multi-task but yet carry the spirit of excellence in my work.. (kind of making me guilty for my poor working attitude.. Lol)

I'm just being promoted to helper in ministry!! Yea!! For the next 2-3 months before i will serve my NS in Sept. Well.. I'm gonna see 2-3 months as a season of training of maturity and leadership in cg and usher before I hand over and to serve God in a greater way.. :P

Usually at a higher level of leadership it requires greater capacity to fulfill your duties and greater responsibility and leadership skills are required in order to excel in what you do but the duty of training up new leaders under you and molding them.

I realised that over the years in NCC and serving in cell group + ministry, there were many ways of leading people and i went thru' 2 different types of leadership training. Under NCC, you were being taught of what you ought to know about military knowledge, and you are expected to learn from your leaders how they lead (you got to be observant about that) and in most cases you wouldn't be taught how to lead (Thats how the term lead by example means). But when it comes to being trained under a leader, it's more personal as in that leader will really take time to sow into your life (not to forget discipleships too) and teach you along the way (it includes observing how the leader does things too). Well I can go on forever but I shall just stop here..

Be back again after emerge! Lol.

it got me home
9:34:00 AM

Thursday, May 25, 2006


I just simply love this phone so much!! Just waiting to get my hand on this N7370! =)

it got me home
11:02:00 PM

Yea.. I'm back blogging. Haha..

Gonna blog about tue's outing with the Soleil gang... Tuesday all of us planned to have a movie outing @ Lido and yea, guess what the movie was? Over the Hedge. A very cute, funny, action-packed movie, all in 1!! Though the movie is like only 65 mins long but I seriously think it's worth the money although we thought it could have been longer. Haha.. Yea..

Anyway myself, Huiyi and Dora met up with each other in Orchard MRT along with Kenneth who came just 5 mins after us and we went over to Lido to meet up with Shan.. Time spent walking there was mainly on catching up with each other though it had only been 4 days since we last saw each other! Haha. Anyway we settled our dinner over at Lido. Kenneth, Dora and Huiyi had Subway while myself had KFC. Long live KFC!! Although the serving of their Zinger burger is getting more and more unreasonable as it gets smaller until you don't see it as a brger but a sandwich with 1 piece of miserably small meat stuck between 2 piece of bread. >.<

Anyway Shan came and allof us just happily ate our food and off to the theatre we go. Well, the segment before the show was quite entertaining as the person beside me (Dora) was complaining about why she ddidn't have the bouncey seats she had before in the same theatre and that carried on for some 5 mins. (It's the same old Dora still) She only quietened down after the show started. Lol! Well, it's a must watch for the movie apart from other movies like Da Vinci code or X men 3! Haha..

So after the movie finished it was only about 9pm so some of us (the owls of the night) who didn't want to go home that early, decided to hang out a little longer to talk but Kenneth had to leave first, leaving me (a male) alone. Haha.. Anyway we planned to walk and talk until Dhoby Ghaut before going home but ended up along the way, we changed to sitting in NYDC to have ice cream! Haha.. Stayed until 11pm before we really had to go home via train. LOL..

Overall it was pretty fun to really see them again and how i wish gatherings like this can be done more often but it would seem kind of hard given that kenneth is entering NS in July and myself in September. Heh.. We'll see how it goes. I'll pose up the pics we took the last outing we had tomorrow after I scan them in.
This sort of reminded me about a friend of mine, whom I reall hadn't see her for near a month le. Wonder what has happened to her. Oh well.. Probably things just took a turn for the worse.

Tata.. Till our next outing on 12th June guys!

it got me home
10:26:00 PM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Let there be Light.

-Who's the light? Jesus

it got me home
11:09:00 PM

Haha.. Someone told me yesterday thatmost likely I might be rising up as helper in my Usher Section like 2 months later... Hope it comes true but I'm starting to think how i might be able to handle it as I'm a cell group helper and things in the cell group not as good as it looks on the outside.

The current situation is whereby I'm serving as a normal usher but I'm helping out in the cell group and i'm still trying to balance the both of them and i'm planning to do more to serve in the cell group ministry but yet I wanna rise up to Team Leader in UM. So contradicting? haha..

John was asking me if I would be planning to serve in usher ministry all my life? Well that set me thinking a bit and Yuan Shan just simply added "You don't plan to become a cell group leader?" Haha.. I was aiming at becoming a Team Leader yet as a CGL if possible but my capacity will have to be real big le. Haha..

Like what we Christians say, pray until you get an answer from God. Probably this case of mine will take more than just prayer and I dun think He will reveal things to me that soon. Haha. (God can be playful at time, I must admit to that. )

Haha.. That's all. Tuesday is move outing 'Over the Hedge'!!!! Can't wait man. =)

it got me home
10:55:00 PM

Yeah! I'm back to blog again. Haha! This week had being quite fruitful however there are some things which really revealed to me things I might have never knew, and more exposure towards things I'm developing myself in like cell group and usher ministry. :P

Just a brief 'summary' of the things. Yesterday spent half of my time for CG, of which included meeting new friends like diana and lifang, plus other members from Zoe's CG (combined CG since S.Jialing ain't around). We sure had a fun time playing tongue twisters led by Zoe and later the Word which I found it super engaging for the first time! Haha.. In any case, we had a short fellowship after CG and proceeded down to Bugis for KFC!!! My second KFC in 4 days! :( Gonna get fat so so soon... Haha, it sort of served as a good chance to know the people better esp the sisters and some others like WeiLong. Lol..

After which I'd reach expo early llike 6.30pm for support duty... Stoned for a bit before having to move the inserts and well, as per normal the ushers started folding envelopes and doing bulletins le. Made a stupid mistake by looking at Roy when he called my name, ended up I was doing consolidation of inserts and it really got me sweating even in an air conditioned hall. How bad can it be? Haha... But it was a good time spent then did some delegation of work and all otherwise the consolidation would be super messy... Haha.. Left the hall around 10 plus once we completed the support duty cum communion and fortunately myself and alvin was able to hitch a ride to Toa Payoh from a usher brother. Because it was a lorry so alvin and myself sat the back and the wind was real cooling and it had been some time since I had such experience! It was a good fellowship yet again. Amen to that...

Reached home, slept after bathing and well, the next morning was the dramatic one because I was supposed to wake up at 5.30am in the morning and my flesh failed me and I only woke up after alvin gave me a morning call at 6.10am. Imagine me sleeping through the service timing if I hadn't woke up due to Alvin's call. Somehow it was a bit tiring for me to wake up at 5am...

Anyway I quickly washed up before making arragements with alvin and fabian to go church together by cab since it was along the same way for all of us on the way to church. Praise the Lord that we reached church on time at 7am and attended briefing and all for us. In any case today was a fruitful day as my encounters with the congregation was enjoyable for me and it was fun being a door greeter truthfully. When you learn to put a smile and bless the congregation by greeting them to make the day, the feeling is very nice and addicting I must say. Haha.. Then I was supposed to look out for the handicapped or the physically challenged. Somehow I felt like God putting me in charge of this area for a reason.. What for I dunno but it was yet fun doing it. Haha..
Somehow or the other, my perspective towards people starts to change as I begin to serve as an usher in church when I have to pay special attention to the different needs of the people and learning to deal with people. It also includes getting personal with the person you are in contact with like the congregation as 1st impression are the most important and how you carry yourself determines how you'll be treated in return. Of course if you do approach the nice people they will like smile at you etc lor.I do believe in creating impacts for the person I come in contact with and usher is one way of me achieving that. :P Of course the main reason is to actually serve God, the church and the congregation.

So after service helped out a bit in transition and went to 'fellowship' with B.Eric and my section mates for a while before going for fellowship with my CG. Felt a bit sian in the 1st place coz the moment I saw S.Vic kena discipleship liao. -.-
In any case the lunch wasn't really spent fellowshipping with the cg but more towards counselling another member with S.Vic. Details I shall keep them a secret. But I certainly learn about what you sin against God not only affects your own life, but it affects the whole spiritual atmosphere of the whole cell group along with the fruits and it's especially worse if they are the unconfessed ones. Somehow it make me think twice about something now. Haha..
Then saw B.Justin and Diana waiting for S.Vic and us, of which they need to go settle some stuff. So that left myself and Diana of which we left to meet with my cell group after buying food from BK. Took one big around to go up to second level of hall 4 as it was raining and the escalator was under the sky directly without shelter. But I realised Expo have a spiral staircase up and it left me feeling stupid that I should have heed HS's advice when He kept hinting to me about that hidden spiral staircase. Never mind. Haha..

Finally found a chance to talk to B.Qizhi before having to report for PM duty. Did internal traffic again and it was more relaxing but there was miscommunication about how things should be done which I find that it could have been avoided but oh well... PM led by Pastor Kong is always that good. Haha. Seems like we are in the season of personal prayer life where we have to build up our stamina of praying and being able to sustain it without having to stop in between. Heh. So end of meeting, did some support and packng up before going home alone since everyone got their own stuff to do (sorry but i'm keeping things short liao. Haha)

So here I am, at home blogging, feeling a bit sian now though. Blog later. Bye!

it got me home
9:53:00 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

Don't really know what to type now. From just now chatting with 5 ppl, down to chatting with Wendy. Haha.. Today sure got a lot of things that happened. Lol.

Yesterday after work was supposed to attend a gathering with the peeps from 1st comm of Soleil. haha.. Sipposedly took 105 down to Orchard and walk to Cineleisure but ended up I overslept and the bus took me to Redhill so fearing that I would be late, I took a cab and it cost me 8.40 bucks of which could have been saved if I didn't oversleep lor. Sian, ended up I found out that the rest ain't reached yet. Should have taken my own sweet time to go there man. Haha.

So met up with Dora and Huiyi who appeared slightly later. It was certainly nice to see them again and Dora certainly changed since the last time I saw her. No longer Orchard blur (she dun even know how to walk around Takashimaya shopping centre or even from MRT station to Taka) and being more a girl/lady than a play girl (meaning that she had matured). yea... hope she's not reading this though. Heh.

Then my dear kenneth finally came and soon got ourselves seats in Cafe Cartel @ Cineleisure. Hee... After which Dora suggested playing game which really got our minds cracked up. In any case we just placed our orders after spending 10 mins looking at the menu, undecided to what to eat then we finally decided on ordering the ribs from Cafe Cartel. Haha.. FInally when the ribs came, so did Weishan whom we thought she had overslept but because she was out with her family and forgot to bring her phone, which resulted in her being uncontactable. haha.. Just so nice I was cutting 2 sets of ribs, one for myself and one for Huiyi as she didn't know how to cut them. So yea.. My hand almost cramped because i spend too long cutting and my hands ain't used to it. Haha.. shall order seafood platter next time, fish and co style. Lol.. I miss fish and co food though. Heh...

We spent most of the time catching up with each other and knowing what's going on in each other's life and it was certainly good to have everyone around since the last gathering we had as one comm was like 2 yrs back? Lol...

Anyway we went to take neoprints after dinner since it was still early (it was my idea since we hadn't taken any pictures in a long time) and we got addicted (o rather it was Dora) so we took a second neoprint. Hahaha..

I'll put the pics up on the blog once i get hold of the pics and I tell you they look superbly nice. Haha.. All of us are good looking and pretty, that's why bah. haha..

That's all for now. Be back tml! See ya!

it got me home
11:20:00 PM

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Yesterday I had quite a good chat with MC. In fact it was this morning. Haha... Probably I would call that counselling since it deals more with the spirit than the natural. Glad that things are going on well though some other things might not be what you expect them to be. Always bear in mind that God is always with you k?

Things happen for a reason. In the Word it's stated that the blind exist so that God's work may be revealed through him to be manifested. It's the same reason why bad things might happen in our life. God is able to make use of those things to be testimonies in our lives because it is through the testimonies of how God can turn the things around for good that people may see that God is a living God for us.

Another thing we must take note of is the mindset that we have. What we think and what we speak frames our world. It's like a portrait and a frame whereby the frame limits to how big the portrait to be. So if your thinking is big and imaginative and the words that you speak edifies yourself, naturally the frame of your world will not be small and it can even be limitless. Don't let the mindset control you whereby you tell yourself I can't do this, I resign to fate etc. Instead be an encourager to bring yourself to the next level where you can tell youself I can do this to solve this problem. Not a problem creator but a problem solver!

Always think of how you can make things possible.

Heh... It almost looks like I'm preaching so I better stop here. Haaaaa

it got me home
10:39:00 AM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Had a serious discipleship last night, or rather this morning...

Truthfully speaking discipleship allows me to have a new perspective of how I should be and what should be changed, because people sees me clearer than I see myself, especially when it comes from my spiritual leaders. So now once it's known what should be changed, it's up to you whether you want to change or remain the way it is.

Nothing fanciful about that though, but because you bother to make the correction, breakthrough in that area will start coming in. Not only will the area be changed for the better, blessings will just follow on from there! Haha...

Well, some areas that i really need to change is my prayer life, hadn't been praying much though; building relationships with the members and winning them over as friends, not members only; spending time with new friends and last of all, be a problem solver by providing solutions and not just waiting for things to happen. arrrrrrr... so wanna cry but hey, that's what I have to do if I want to become a better leader. Haaa...

More things for me to do this coming week and certainly life will never be the same, neither will it be entirely smooth-sailing. So pray for me peeps if you do see this. =)

I'll be back for another post later. Haa...

it got me home
1:39:00 PM

Yea.. I'm here to blog again. Haha..

Yesterday was an eventful day, had one day of work without much slacking and prayer meeting in the night which was a real good one, a very interesting fellowship I had on the way home and not to forget some discipleship early in the morning. HaHa...

Let's see, myself and don had a 'hard' time moving computers, checking computers until both of us were half dead. Seriously. But the days are over, currentl we are just left with the maintainence for IT Special Room 3. Well.. Hee.. Then yesterday quickly rush off to church for prayer meeting from school. Well, sadly to say I was the only one from my cg yest, so I joined B.Darren's CG and amazingly, I felt so differently as in I can see relationships bonding yesterday though it may be just short conversations. How i wish I can establish that kind of atmosphere in my cell group.

In any case, yesterday the presence of God was so strong and the worship simply took 1hr 20 mins. That's like something you can't have in a service due to time constraint but yesterday, it was so cool and the presence was simply so tangible. Then myself and Terence was praying for our cell groups and there was really the anointing upon us as we prayed and indeed, prayer is the foundation to all things in th Kingdom of God.

Then after PM went back home with Lisa etc and got to know this one brother call Mitchell, which made my night trip home super interesting along with yu wei. Dotz lor. On the way back home on train, both of them were so lame and sarcastic tat I simply couldn't take it. Really sia.. And yu wei super violent la. I keep getting hit by her for no reason. Very much different from the impression I have of her from the beginning. Almost as if I'm at 2 ends of the pole. Diao...

That's all for now. Will do a seperate entry later. See ya peeps.

it got me home
9:24:00 AM

Monday, May 15, 2006

When a kettle boils, steam whistles through the spout.

When we reach the threshold of what we can cope with we complain.

This means we need to increase our capacity in that area.

Complaining is the language of victims.

We complain when we feel we have no control over negative circumstances.

Leaders cope with more than the people they lead.

They don't complain, they give thanks and see the upside.

To the positive mindset solutions appear.

The negative complaining mind fails to see any way through.

'In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.' - 1 Thess 5:18-19

Well, that reminds me of something that very often we just complain about this and that, thinking that complaining may actually help us to let out what we have inside. Things actually doesn't work that way because what we are doing is just letting things out and what's gonna happen after that? Let it dangle? Probably by then more problems occur and there comes more complains. I find that quite true in my life though, at least in the past when all I do is complain until people get so irritated. Lol...

Least for now, I learn how to control and give all onto God that there's nothing actually for me to worry about except the burdens God has placed in my heart. Learning not to complain ain't a bad thing, because there are always other ways to vent out what is troubling inside us, like sharing with someone you know and learning to seek advice for it. While complaining doesn't provide a solution, sharing with someone more mature can actually provide an avenue for you to seek advice and solutions to your problems.

Haha.. I hope people around me will have sort of an idea of how bad complaining might be although a lot of us seem to be doing that. Well, that's all for now...

For people who thinks that my blog entries are all cheem, probably that's the way I am. Haha...

it got me home
10:39:00 PM

Friday, May 05, 2006

I don't understand what's going on with me now la... Been doing weird things which I cannot comprehend. Am I still stressed out? Or am I not letting out what should be let out within my heart?

It's pretty common sense that whatever we take in, some has to be given out. If you continue to bear everything inside you and not letting out what should be, either you will blow out because capacity is reached or you will 'die' as all the things inherited will become dead within you.

For example from what B.Darren shared yesterday... There's the Sea of Gailiaee at the top and the Dead Sea at the bottom of the continent and they are linked by the Jordon River. The Sea of Gailiaee is seen as a source of life where you see vegetation thriving and is so rich with different species of marine life. Reason being there's an inlet and an outlet for the river water to flow.. So there's a constant renewal of the water source.
On the contrary for the dead sea, because it keeps on receiving water from the Jordon River but it has no outlet to create a renewal flow of water, the water is trapped in the Dead Sea and constantly under evaporation due to the sun, it gets so concentrated until people who don't float, floats! Haha..

So as we can see from here, it's important to let out anything that's inside your heart. There's always a limit to what we can take in. (We are not a black hole that takes in anything and everything) Either you can find someone to confide to what's troubling you and all or simply find a channel like writing a diary or find someone to punch to vent out. Haha.. Yea.. I'm like writing an essay here.. I better stop now. Ha.

See ya peeps. Till later!!

it got me home
12:20:00 PM

Just changed new blogskin.. Much nicer than the one I had previously I find. Haha...

We cannot control what's happening to us, but we can control what is happening in us. Sounds cheem? Ha... When we are faced with a situation, in most cases we cannot take over what happens in a situation. But we can control how are we going to deal with it. How we should face the problem, our attitude towards it all are within our control. Yea...

Last night I had a rough night... Was trying my best to 'counsel' one of my CG members but well.. quite needless to say about the turnout but I pray God can do something about it, like raining so no bball will be on~ Haha... I can be quite evil at times de. Lol.. Yea.. Tml is gonna be so cool.. Cell group meeting in the morning and water baptism in the afternoon. Of course I'm not the one going for water baptism but my pal Xue'er.. Haha.. And she should be on her way to become a CGL.. So jiayou k? Haha..

Seems like this is a season of breakthrough whereby so many people around me are facing difficulties but yet they can stand firm on the ground and have the desire to do whats right, knowing what they want. =)

Anyway I shall continue to blog later. Haha..

it got me home
9:35:00 AM

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Recently there had been quite a few cases of death, either to one of the students in my sec school that had just passed away from a traffic accident just 2 days ago and other few cases. It's always sad to see people leaving because of suicides or accidents, because we know that it's a life that's lost. It'snot so simple like we lose an IC, EZ link card or even a pen.

Imagine this person who have a bright future ahead of him/her, able to contribute greatly to the society, a prospective leader who may one day lead a nation or an organisation, all lost in one sudden moment when the heart just fail to sustain this life of a person. The person just simply fades away, from this face of the earth.

I was discussing with my mum about this issue this morning. I made this interesting comment, "What if I had really jumped down a few years back? What might have happen to this family now?" Well, my mum made an interesting reply, that is "You won't have anyone to look after you anymore." It doesn't really link to my comment right? Haha.. Probably for myself, I have God to accompany me in Heaven, but for others, does that really applies to them, that they may not have anyone to look after them in the afterlife? Something worth thinking for me. Haha..

Thank God for that time when I didn't end my life. Otherwise I can't be sitting down here typing all these, knowing you guys out there and experiencing the goodness of life God has for me. Haha. All these things, of course there are those that seem depressing but what is life without ups and downs? Haha.. Least I know today that there's something and someone I can live for which is Christ Jesus. Hee.. And the many things I want to experience.

Just somethng for the morning... So maybe, how do you view about current situation and do u think you have what's worth living for? If so, what is it? =)

it got me home
9:00:00 AM

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ok. time for an update.. I'm getting people bugging me to blog liao.. Haha.. what am i supposed to blog about? I dunno seriously.. So many things in life happened and that I don't really know when to start..

I'm beginning to have a different perspective towards relationships now.. Many a time, it's always good to start as friends, understand each other as friends and enjoy the friendship before going on to the next stage of the relationship. However many of us will always want to go by our emotions to rush into a relationship with someone we like or feel closed to. Well, it's not like I'd never been through that before. It all seems appropriate and normal that it's alright we go by our emotions to decide what should be done, but considering the consequences, most often it wouldn't be a good decision to go by our emotions to decide our fate. Haha..

Why do I say that? It's always at the beginning when we think everything with the other partner is so perfect but as the decision to commitis made, problems will start to surface and you'll find yourself going towards a dead end whereby emotions will soon die off and no longer you see the relationship as a commitment but a burden. So perhaps strictly to say, there's no true love that existed right from the beginning, only puppy love?

True love, is a form whereby it enables both parties to be committed to each other without feeling the burden of how to carry on their future days with each other, and problems may be solved because there's mutual understanding of each other. It's like how Jesus exhibit the love of God to His people and even 2000 years later, such love still exists because there's always room for forgiveness, and love will take over the hatred in the hearts, to melt down and soften the hardened hearts of man.

Well, one thing I wanna point out is to really do what is appropriate and that your priorities should be right, like if it's the right time to go into a relationship and whether you are ready for one. How do you determine if you are ready? In the areas of finances, personal commitment towards relationships and stability in character etc. So many things. Of course none of us are perfect but you really got to know when's the right time to do what's necessary.

Seriously I'm not sure why I'm talking about all this but I got a feeling it's regarding how I feel towards one person and the decision to move on that God wants to tell me.

Well, can that be considered a revelation? Lol..

it got me home
5:39:00 PM


Junius Solomon, 21!
serving NS and can't wait to be doing more for God!!


Ushering, reading, going out, online chatting, badminton, kayaking!
Being with people in E343, E214, UM G3 and the navy family!
People are the reason why i exist, to fellowship with!




Ei Chien


November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007


zero one two three four


If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.

If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home.
If its only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home

If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home

Boy, my love will get you home
Boy, my love will get you home