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Friday, December 30, 2005

Can't really decide what title to put for this entry, so just put that lame title of mine. Hahaha..

Somehow my heart is heavy, and having mixed feelings right now. The same thing 1 year ago happened, and i don't wish the same thing to happen to me 1 year later, which is the last day of the new year. I'm just not ready for one and I'm not sure if I can handle it too.

1 more day till end of the year 2005 and we'll embrace the new year 2006.

Actually I dun think I can blog of anything now, brain's in a total mess. Shall make do with these few lines. Will blog about Monday's event later probably. Got things to do! ToodLes!

it got me home
1:12:00 AM

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Energy comes from doing the will of God - not from resting from work, but from doing the work we're meant to do.

When we do what we're gifted to do we get energized.

When we do what we're not gifted to do or are called to do, we lose energy.

When we engage our whole heart, mind and body, we get energized.

When we're occupied doing something our heart and mind are not interested in, we get fatigued.

We're not meant to do more than we're meant to do.

At the end of our life we should be able to say, we ran our race, fought our fight and completed our course.

Do we people, actually doing what we should, more than what we should or simply less than what we should do?
At the end of the day, can we really tell ourselves we had done what we should and not regretting what we had done more or had not done?

John 4:34 -
"My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me"

it got me home
12:22:00 AM

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Took this from Xue'er's blog.

On last saturday, I listened to a Radio programme. I had no idea that it is a Christian radio programme. I never have that channel anyway. I do not who or whether it's God who has sent an angel to tune my radio to that channel. Anyway, a pair of sisters were discussing about friendship. Several stages:
3.Good friends
4.Intimate friends
Anything after this stage concerns marriage.
They were talking about taking personal resposibility for friendship.

I wonder if people based on their relationships on these various steps or...?

it got me home
11:45:00 PM

Monday, December 26, 2005

Hey guys. sorry for the inactive updating for the previous week. Was real, real busy with me in camp and the christmas weekend etc. =P Shall start with Tuesday which i promised adelyn that i would update on our outing. Tuesday: I was in school since 10am to do discussion with Kenneth and Linette in the library for the BTN term paper. Hectic job and realised that there was a lot of things to be done. In any case, had a alot of fun during the discussion and shortly after 4pm we left the place. I went to the DVD section to borrow a DVD while waiting for Adelyn to finish her briefing which intended to finish at 6pm but ended up it finished at 5pm instead. So ended up she joined me till near 6pm when we realised that Sheryl won't be meeting us in school. Pretty vexed over that as we were 'stoning' in school just to meet up with her. Haha.. ended up we all met up with each other in Bugis instead. During the journey from school to Bugis ar, really got an entertainer which really made me have nothing to say and no room to hide from all her suaning. A bit cannot take it but better than be being all alone going to Bugis. Haha.. Anyway, both of us reached Bugis just nice at 7pm and met up with the rest like Xue'er and Yuan Shan. Destination was to have dinner at one cafeteria just behind Parco Bugis. Met up with John there who had kindly booked the seats for us. So after some intoduction etc went down to get food. The cafeteria is pretty famous for the Laksa and Kway chap, i got the latter instead while Sheryl and Adelyn got the former. Anyway, I just had a filling dinner and later went down to Parco to do some shopping. Walked around and found out some clothes which I could spend on buying after i get my pocket money on January. Haha.. Then the whole group of us walked until 9 plus when most of the shops were closed, then went down to have a game of Daytona and a game of pool with Yuan Shan before leaving the place. Whaha.. Had a fun time spent with the guys and went back home to sleep before camp the next day.

Wednesday - Friday:
I combined these 3 days together because those were my days in camp at ZHSS for the NCC Annual Camp.. went down to school only in late morning after their morning bunk check etc. By then IFC station was being conducted halfway through and well, it was an eventful morning.. Why? Caught a lot of cadets with either long hair, hair not according to regulations or with dyed hair. First time at an annual camp would the officers have to come and send students out for their hair cut and even borrowing money from officers. Sometimes I really think how ridiculous can things get at times. Well, got quite a few discipline problems here and there..
There was this special case at which this cadet got quite a few probs and refused to cut his hair but thank God after some talking to him he went for an haircut after listing some criteria if he wanted to cut his hair himself. Things turned out fine after that. One more thing.. Lunch was bad then.. Rice is not nice and the chilli was too spicy for most cadets. Even Mr Wong complained.. Haha.. Ended up the CLTs got to buy lunch themselves. Crude but what to do? Heh..
Then after lunch i believe it was the games. The specs did a good thing in replacing the free time slot as games and the games were pretty good and I was pretty impressed by it. However the seniors didn't went along with the games, most of them were just slacking while some of us did checks on the cadets at intervals.. After games was dinner. Dinner was alright but there were some mistakes in the planning of the night schedule which sort of compromised the welfare of the cadets but all things went well in the end. Later at night were activities like movie screening and night walk.
(Won't do any commenting until a later post.. )
After which the seniors had a good night of gaming and stuff for the first night of camp. There's like a total of 5 CLTs present including myself and Dong Yang was around too. Didn't had a lot of sleep coz the light's out was at 2am in the morning. =X

On Thursday morale of the cadets was pretty low.. Ask them to shout at the timings during PT, all of them are like so soft. Even my voice can beat the whole company of 50 plus 60 man, and it's not even my max yet. Even Daron's voice couldn't be beaten. Haha.. Things were worse during the run when the specs although tried their 'best' but the morale of the cadets were still low. Things function in such a way that when the cadets enjoy themselves and morale is high, they will just sing, as loud as possible no matter what. Some cadets even complained during the run.. So ya lor..
Anyway the breakfast was good and i must say the programme for second day was much better although time management wise wasn't really done well. Morning was pretty slack until after lunch when the games started. Got a bit of problem with the weather because it was raining and most of the games planned were outdoors. Still the cadets enjoyed themselves which was a good thing. Tian Jun i realised had a bad day because the CLTs keep aiming at him with water guns and Daron also. haha..
During the games got to leave because of BS. Reached YMCA pretty early like 5.30pm. I realised after 5 weeks of BS still got people asking and confirming if the classrom used for VL is for VL class. Lol.. Saw Josephine there and although didn't really know her but we talked as if we knew each other for quite some time. Pretty scary haha, she's a bit too sociable and was telling her that I thought she would be the super shy and closed up kind. BS was pretty good, it was on divine healing. Then shortly after BS had to rush back to camp and I reached school earlier than intended.
Weather was still pretty bad then but least for the night everything was done in doors. Had a short talk with the specialists both in the day and night time and got quite a lot of feedback from them. Hopefully they had learnt something out of what I told them then while Daron was talking to the specialists also went to talk to the cadets plus some games. Realised cadets can be a super rebellious bunch of people, and out of this world too. Like out of control to a certain extent. Anyway, I played Magic Carpet with them, using trash bags and only a max of 6 people would try to flip the thrash bag over but well, none of the groups succeded. All complained too hard le, oh well. Haha..
After that was packing up and lights out for them. Then came early morning when there was 'Operation BangBang' when the cadets including the specialists were woken up 1.30am in the morning to have changing parade and a bit of 'tekan session'. Haha.. Didn't really sleep, only had 3 hrs of sleep for the whole day.

Then next up was Friday, the most 'siong' day. =X Woke up at 6 plus, went down to check on the cadets, executed "Operation BangBang" the second on the cadets and the timing for them to gather was worse than the first one. Imagine them taking their own sweet time to gather when there's a real fire. =S
Left the place around 9.15am after slacking with the seniors for a while and took my own sweet time to go to church, since I only got to reach there at 11am. So took 105 to Dover and took the chance to catch up on my sleep. So by the time i reached Jurong West church it was on the dot 11am!! Haha.. see, my time planning was so great!! *sorry. *
Had a pretty fun time during the Children's Church service and good training for my own ushering skills too. The service was cool although a bit childish for my age la. The Praise and Worship was real cool and was quite surprised by which the songs sang by Children's church is the same as those of adult services. Got quite a big shock by the way Pst. Eileen was handling the children during the service because her method was firm yet not too strict. Anyway then came the end of service and directing the traffic can be a killer at times. And I do mean a killer. Imagine kids 3 times or 4 times younger your age walking and sometimes they would just run and not listen to instructions. But the fun part was that they were very cute and courteous. Just love kids!! VERY CUTEEEEE!!!! *losing my image soon* (should consider enrolling into Children's church ministry sia.. )
Anyway after sending the kids of, quickly left church and manage to get Shirley's present at JP before leaving to Expo to do support. Support was overall good then got to know more ushers through it, so pretty satisfactorily on that point. *gleams*
End of my 3 days at camp and church le..

Woke up at 10am in the morning, ironed clothes and off i went for church at Expo le.. This time it was good, support only at 12pm. Can sleep more.. =) Went there, did a little bit of support for the bulletins then went for lunch. Haha.. sadly i went for lunch alone but didn't get to eat anything. Oh well, reported for internal traffic duty. It was real hectic, shan't say much but I guess, all of us are at fault, not only the leaders. Shall learn from the mistakes made. Stayed for the 1st part of second service since they needed help too. After that while rushing to airport for dinner with the cell group my santa hat got stolen by Josephine. =X
Haha.. was blessed by John for my dinner.. So nice!! Anyway the whole cell group went home after that it was a pretty good fellowship then. Or should I say fellowship would always be good with S.Vic around? Haha.. Again reached home at 12am because got to accompany Yuan Shan to meet King to get carnival coupons and send him back.

Bad weather in the early morning of a Christmas day. Anyway, expected myself to reach church late but ended up being on time instead. Haha.. never like being late although sometimes it can't be helped. =X This time was doing front door ushering. Haha.. Got 'beaten' by one Group Leader because i just missed' greeting someone who just walked in front of me. =( And it was a real bad one. Haha.. Overall the 2 services were great and the drama was real cute with King Herod singing and dancing with the dance moves and all!! HAha.. Reached home early on that day for that week, like 4.30pm. Standard thing for me to do was to go and catch a nap and was a good nap though I was still tired from it. Slacked the whole day till night time when i watch 'Date with Vampire 3" =)

I know this is a super long post but i hope u can just bear with it. HAha.. toodles!!

Shall update later on what happened on Monday. =)

Mark 5:36 -
"Do not be afraid; only believe."

it got me home
11:54:00 PM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

God, I really need you to be around. There are so many things for me to handle that I almost can't do it and might drop the ball anytime soon. I really need Your support to help me to help to change lives especially. Help me to discern the right things so that i may be able to do my job with excellence.

I really don't wish to see the friends around me to just leave You so suddenly. Even while watching them backslide, I do not want that to happen. People that I love, people that I respect, people that I care for. Very often they would just say, "I know what I'm doing" and saying that they are well aware of what's going on.
God, is that truly how I should handle it, take their answers as it is? I know something is wrong, and I can;t just their answers as it is. Something has to be done but I do not know how to do it? God I really need You to teach me, be it through revelations etc. I need your anointing to minister.

Sometimes salvation of friends is another thing. I know there is no one standard approach to what we can do to reach out. And we always pray for the salvation of the new friends. But can You teach us, equip us with other ways and strategies to how we can really win the hearts of friends over, at just one try? I know it may not always happen because You want to test our capabilities. But I truly pray that You can bless us with the Holy Spirit to bless us with the necessities.

Another is family. Family situation hasn't been going well, especially finances of which my brother just landed us with a huge bill that I pray that we do not need to pay for it. Plus this family really need blessings for abundance in finances and Your presence to change and turn the situation around.

Father I really pray for the cell group as the members really need to take more initiative in rising up to the occasion and being more sharp too. Let grace and tender mercy fall upon them as they learn to be closer to You everyday and not remain in a level they are in right now.

God, I know all these are trials and tribulations that wouldn't be in my life forever. They will come to past and are just short termed. However I am believing You for edification, blessings and revelations throughout this period of time as I learn to lean more towards You and will NOT backslide because of all these. My living body is already sacrificed on the altar for You.

I know You are always faithful and forever loving, merciful and full of grace. Thank You God for building up my character and showing me everyday that You are truly with me, everyday. =)

Psalms 142:10 -
Teach me to do Your will,For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.

1 Cor 6:19-20 -
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

it got me home
11:59:00 PM

Had a super eventful weekend. A very forceful cell group meeting and a very sweet and warm candlelight service. Man, the candlelight service was really a pretty good one. imagine the whole hall is dark, and all u see are candle fire all over the stadium, slowly spreading from the front and towards the whole hall. It's really an amazing sight. Too bad i can't get any pictures taken since i got no camera then. Praise the people who brought their cameras for such a nice event. Wonder if I can get hold of any pictures through the church staff. Haha..

Anyway it has been a tiring week also and somehow I just feel more burdened with some stuff. Sigh.

Anyway Christmas is around the corner, and i got just so many things around the X'mas season coz not to forget the assignments that i have. haha.. got to go sleep now. Toodles.

Mark 9:23 - “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

it got me home
12:34:00 AM

Monday, December 19, 2005

Disappointment most often springs from assumptions based on unfounded expections.

Arrange what you want.

Ask for the table you want at the restaurant, the room you want at the hotel, the service you're anticipating.

Don't expect that others have your interests at heart, or that they know what you want.

Check that what you have asked for has been taken care of.

Make your life happen.

Don't think others will do that for you.

it got me home
2:32:00 AM

Friday, December 16, 2005

Some things happened to me today, which occured to me that I'm pretty easily influenced by how people thinks about a situation or of another person, and there's a change of heart too quickly. And because of such, i tend to be pretty judgemental at times although I don't say it out, and I can also become very arrogrant and prideful.
Why am I saying all this? Because to a certain extent I'm not willing to receive the views and advices someone gave me today, and the impression I have about the person is very much affected by how my friends say about her.

I have to say that I'm partly in the wrong. Shall not talk about it anyway. I desire for a complete change of heart, in which I learn not to be too quick to judge and to constantly seek Him first. I know He's the only one that can change my heart to be more like Christ. And not to forget to have a mind of my own that's in line not with my own stubbornness and pride but with the thinking of His.

God, change me, mold me, shape me. If necessary, please take my world apart so that Your will may be done in my life. Amen.

1 John 3:3 -
Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure

it got me home
11:08:00 PM

Many a time, Christians live a day, when they would live for God on a Sunday or Saturday, and live for their own for the rest of the week. They think that by reserving one or two days for God is sufficient. By what does God really think? What do you think He sees in such an attitude of a Christian?

It suddenly occurs to me that we should live our lives, everyday for God, and every moment we should be constantly thinking of Him. We learn to do His will, love others like ourselves, blessing people when they need one, confess to Him of our sins and constantly renew ourselves.
Come to think of it, how many of us reading this now, actually does all these? Even I myself don't dare to say I accomplish all these things everyday, but least I dare to try and I'm learning.

God doesn't see what you do, but He looks at your heart, looking at the attitude that you carry. It's the same as worship. When we sing a song, it's not the lyrics that matters most, neither is it the whole tune, but is how we express and release our emotions towards Him that He sees. He wants to see a genuine heart, not a heart that constantly tells lies.

Whenever we don't have Christ in us, it's equivalent that we are living a life like the past, falling into temptations so easily, not able to safeguard our hearts and minds from evil, doing things which are sinful. The worse part is, you know you shouldn't do all these but yet you brought yourslef into such a state. Sooner or later because of such actions, you are leading yourself into spiritual death, in which you can no longer connect to God, receive His love and know the purpose you have in His Kingdom.

So how do we actually allow Christ to live in us? That we constantly seek His face through prayer and quiet time, allowing Him to come into our lives, to guide us in our everyday life. What we do, is to fulfill His commandments and do His will, so that His kingdom may come to this very earth He had created. Most importantly, I believe we should constantly repent before God that we confess our sins, that we want to break away from the bondage of sins so that Christ can live in us.

Something struck me while reading the Devotional Journal. It's about contrition. It describes Christians who are just sorry for their sins that they had been continuously in sin but repent with a heart not broken.
Psalms 34;18 - The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

If we truly want to live with Christ everyday, it's no doubt that we have to repent of our sins, so that God may renew us every single day as we allow Him to, that we may reign with Him as kings and priests in our lives.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land

it got me home
10:36:00 PM

Myself. Taken from Ryan's blog. Don't really look nice in that short hair of mine eh? Haha..

it got me home
8:42:00 PM

Original stretcher party. Guess who's the victim? Haha..

it got me home
8:40:00 PM

This pic is the '86 gang.. Taken at Taka a few days ago..

it got me home
8:35:00 PM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Was listening to one song introduced by Xue'er. Indeed it's a pretty nice song. Speaks of how God plays a part in every Christian's life, and how willing we are to allow Him into our life, so that we may be with Him, not one day, but everyday.

God shall be forever praised and lifted high, as the King of Glory, which His glory shall never fade, but will always continue to shine. Shine and glorify in my life dear God.. I pray.

Enter In by Planet Shakers -

You lead me through each day
Your love it covers me
And when I feel afraid
Your love it covers me
Restorer aof my soul
Your presence makes me whole
Your love it covers me

You are the King of Glory
You're the LORD strong and mighty
King of Glory Enter In
I lift my hands to Heaven
Shout aloud sing Your praises
King of Glory Enter In

To You I lift my soul
My God I trust in You
Show me Your ways O LORD
My God I trust in You
Let me not be ashamed
My God I trust in You
I'll serve You for all of my days
My God I serve in You

King of Glory
King of Glory
King of Glory ENter In

it got me home
12:00:00 AM

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Pretty tired these few days.. Haha.. Didn;t really have enough sleep or rather I'm lacking of sleep!!!

Gonna graduate in less than 4 months. Man.. So gonna miss NP and the fun I had with the time spent with friends and pals. Was telling Xue'er that I don't wish to graduate because I know I'm going to miss school life. It's like you are unwilling to move on because you already have feelings for the place. Well...

Spent some time doing PCR today and thankfully, I had some results but will have to see how it goes as I would be doing PCR again to confirm the results. Still got biochemical tests to do and well, here comes the report writing for FYP. Haha..

I'll be away for unit camp from21st to 23rd Dec. Being some time since I last went to any camps and well, I hope I'll have a fun time there and not scolding anyone for mistakes etc.

Got a call today by my new team I/C. Got quite a few surprises from him like he's younger than me and all. Haha.. Shall look forward to meeting him. The world is so small I realised!! Looking forward to the weekends once again. Hehe..

Got to sleep now.. pretty tired! HAha.. sleep well peeps!

Romans 12:1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

it got me home
12:05:00 AM

Monday, December 12, 2005

Yawn.. it's already 10pm now but I'm gonna blog about what happened last 2-3 days. haha..

Let's see on Fri.. I was in school pretty early to meet the guys for PBL presentation. The guys were gonna present again since they didn;t quite presented the week before. Well, this time was a much much better one. Sometimes I wonder how such a combination of such team can work miracles and I'm really impressed. Thank God. Haha.. Next week or rather this coming Friday will have to answer questions from the audience. Gonna be fully prepared. =)
Next during the 3 hours break didn't really do any experiments. Forgot to bring my logbook and so well, can't do any PCR. Ended up slacking in the end. Then came Proteomics lecture plus LSSS. Slept during LSSS lecture, as per normal though. So oh well. After that intended to go for 50th POP but didn't manage to go.
Met Xue'er in JP instead. Originally intended to get 2 bibles from Life Bookshop but was pretty scared off by the prices. Haha.. Spotted Mrs Tang there with her 2 daughters. Pretty surprising though then had short chats and went back to school and dinner was settled at KFC. Pretty filling eating KFC but the food wasn;t exactly as tasty as before. =(
By the time i reach home it was about 11pm le. Went to sleep early too.. yup.

Saturday was a pretty exciting day.. Spent nearly 11 hours there at Expo. Was there since morning to do support duty @ 10am. Did the inserts for bulletin and it was pretty fun doing it. Haha.. will be doing it for the rest of the time we are in Expo for the ushers. Then went for lunch alone in Expo. Haha.. pretty sad.. didn't know any ushers who were there for support duty then mah. went over to John Little Sale to kill time then went to change into formal attire. 2nd time wearing a tie but not used to it. Made myself look old wearing formal.. =S Haha.. was doing external traffic o help organise the members queuing up in order. Had a pretty hard time doing it though. HAha.. Got to learn to be tactful with my words as i talked to the members. Was pretty afraid that I would offend them or some sort.
Then later got to stop people from 'jumping' into the queue. Thank God for the authority given to His people, esp when people have to see the reasoning behind what's going on. Thank God for understanding members though some was a bit tough to handle. Well, me first time on job mah. SO must understand a little that I'm doing on the job training at the same time. Then bla bla bla service started and ended at 8pm. Did support duty for a while before I had to rush off. But manage to take some time off to chat with the guys. Haha..
After which went off to Orchard to meet the guys, my fellow CLTs. Being a looonggg time since i last caught up with them.One year maybe? Was supposed to celebrate Geok's, Thinesh's and WeiJie's birthdays. Went to meet them at the Japanese restaurant at Cuppage. Pretty nice to see them again. Got tricked by Ryan that Zhiwei and Geok is together. Dot la.. Spent some pretty good time together and even met Sgt Peter.. Was pretty shocked by his appearance in short hair. We are expected him to be in long hair since he used to complain about having short hair. Haha.. stayed in Orchard till 1am plus before reaching home...

SUnday.. Hahaha.. only woke up at 9am. Guess what I was supposed to be in Expo by 9am, not wake up at 9. Ended up I went back to sleep all the way till 12pm. Pretty tired after the whole week. Least i get to spend some time with my family after that. Hahaha.. So anyway, I left house around 3 to attend combined CG BBQ. Got E30, E31 and E343. Bravo zone leaders were there too. It'll be the last time we'll be seeing Bro Alvin and Sis Huimin as they'll be changing to another zone. Haha.. Had a pretty fun time at BBQ the BBQ. won;t elaborate much now. abit too muc to write.. but happy to be spending time with the guys and some personal sessions with the peeps too. Lingling and Gerry came for the BBQ too. So it certainly added some fun to the crowd. By the time everything ended it was just enough time for me to watch one hour of my show. Haha..

Then today.. eh.. didn't do anything much except for attending lesson and doing PCR today. Shall run gel electrophoresis tomorrow to see if my PCR worked. If not i really got to cry le. God.. bless my project please... =)

anyway gotta get to work le. see ya guys and toodles. =)

2 Cor 6:4-7:
But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings; by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.

it got me home
9:45:00 PM

hey hey.. i'm back here again. but just for a while. super tired now.. i'll only blog about what happened last few days tomorrow, or rather later in the day, since it's already a Monday.

I have a lot of things to catch up on especially my studies and my FYP. Last one week had been an exciting week but well, wait for it guys! haha.. will have to spend my time this week carefully.. need lots of planning and all.

anyway to MC and Anthea. Thanks for the well greetings and my dear E343 for being with me right from the beginning esp ppl like Xue'er and Yuan Shan. Haha.. thanks guys! =)

Well, God.. thank you for being so graceful and merciful to me for the last one week. I'm really blessed to have You around. =) Praising You always!

it got me home
1:14:00 AM

Thursday, December 08, 2005

so far my life has been good.. broke the record of going to expo 3 days straight but i dun mind the distance.. what matters most is whom I'm serving. =)

anyway, PBL's tomorrow.. dunno why but this time my group members didn't include me in the discussion. Or at least they plan on presenting the whole presentation all over again without my share in it, since I'd already presented last week. I just hope everything will be fine tomorrow. Haiz.. How ar.. got one group member that is pretty diligent, another group member that is pretty easy going with his stuff but a bit too easy going, and the other doesn't really know what's going on. God, i know you put me in this group for a reason. Well, I'll do my best if it's Your will...

tomorrow's the last day of the week-day week, and it's the 50th CLT POP. Well won't be going for it though, as much as I want to. Haiz.

shall stop here though i had more things to add on. Oh well. toodles.

1 Cor 13:4-7
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres

it got me home
11:48:00 PM

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Just woke up not long ago.. decided not to do any projects today. shall carry on with the gradient PCR tomorrow before i rush down to expo. Got this week's PBL to settle also. Just realised during X'mas break, I'm gonna have tons of meetings with my group members for term papers and PBL2. Julian will then be back also to help finish the project and writing of the FYP Draft report.

Today shall spend some quality time doing the stuff I need and reading. Been sometime since I last read for at least an hour. Hahaha..

Gonna have a funtime serving the Lord. Was thinking just now about how at times when you have to serve Him, your original plans suddenly clashes with it but somehow or rather, God just paved the way for you to make it easy.

Next week shall be studies chionging week.. The week after, HOILDAYS!!!! Haha..
Meanwhile shall go on doing my stuff.. toodles.

Acts 26:15-16
So I said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.

it got me home
11:16:00 AM

I just came back from Expo not long ago. Went there to help out with the moving of chairs and all. Part of the orientation for ushers too.

I won't say much about what I did but what I can say is that the experience is really good. Met a lot of new ushers and making friends with them, happened to know also that my mentor for just Sunday's service at East zone is my zone member, just that she's in Alpha zone i think. The world is so small. Heh.. Oh yah, saw this girl Josephine.. She was in the same team as me for the 1st training and Orientation 2 weeks ago. haha.. So happened that she's in my VL class too. But all we did was Hi and Bye plus some smiles.. Didn't have the chance to talk but oh well..

Overall the usher ministry is really some place which is super duper fun! haha.. gonna be down at Expo for the next few days.. Tue, Wed, Fri and Sat. Thank God for blessing me these few days ever since i got enrolled into ministry. Haha.. More commitments to come but I'm welcoming it! =)

Wanna talk about yesterday when i served during svc. Had a pretty fun time serving I must say. At first went down to B2 to meet my trainers but found out that the trainers forgot to call up the trainees for training. I went to report based on what was announced last week. I was like -__--"". Well, since it was the last svc at Jurong West premises and Communion weekend, ushers were pretty busy doing the inserts but i wonder why they didn't do it earlier. Haha.. Then got briefing and got called out coz got quite a few new ushers serving with me as well. Now i'm wondering if i had looked younger. People keep telling me that I don't look like a Poly student, Year 3 somemore, but more of a sec school kid. Well.. it's good to look young. Haha.. glory of God.. =)
Got a few comments by Hwee Hoon.. well.. must thank her for giving me a cool vision and her feedback. =) Looking forward to working with her for Sat svc, as well as the rest of ushers!!

Anyway, time for me to do work le. Toodles!!

Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction

it got me home
12:56:00 AM

Sunday, December 04, 2005

it's always not about knowing the lyrics of the song only. it's all about connecting to the Spirit and learning to flow with it.

it's enevr about praying what you want, but learning to pray of what He wants you to pray and to go with the flow and be sensitive to Him.

it's also not about trying to show you are good in praying, but it's about checking your heart, if you can feel God, knowing what He wants to speak to you.

It's also not always about crying out to Him only, but also to have communion with Him even durong prayers.

Prayers is never about just praying for what you want though it's important, but it's more important to have fellowship and knowing what to pray for. It's the connection with God that matters most.

it got me home
12:46:00 AM

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Arrrrr.. the post that i had written halfway when I was in the lab just now in the afternoon got lost. Sian.. Something went wrong with the IE so all data got lost. Well, it's ok. Shall try to recall what I'd typed.

Yesterday was a pretty hectic day at night but a slightly more relaxed day in the day. why? morning had a pretty slack BTN practical.. spent half the time chatting with the guys and later during the afternoon, went to the library to watch 2 movies. Nice right? Haha.. I was watching 'Tuxedo" and "Artificial Intelligence". Pretty nice shows they are. In any case, in the evening was rushing for BS in YMCA from school. Was watching the DVDs until I almost forgot about the time. But thank God I made it in time at 6pm. Thank Him again that I could still concentrate during lesson. Was pretty tired by the end of the lesson and had a short fellowship with Yuan Shan before leaving for home on bus.

Slept throughout the journey on the bus, and it was a pretty good sleep which I'd needed. Well.. here comes the more hectic part. Reached home, switched on my laptop and there I went for online discussion with my WISP group. It was a pretty good 2 hours of joking and laming and not to forget serious discussion. I just love my group members! Haha.. Things went a bit nasty during the last part of the discussion because one of them wanted to leave since things were taking a bit too long to finalise but thankfully it was settled. All happy~~
In the midst of the WISP discussion, I had another one going on concurrently that was for PBL. Again, God like to put people in your life to test you and to shape you for the better. Hence during the discussion there was a clash of views on the plan of the PBL the next day that 2 of my group members started to be angry with each other. Haiz. But really thank God I was able to cool down the both by offering solutions. if not I won't know how to survive the night. Heh..
By the end of the day, I'd only manage to sleep at 2 plus near 3am. -.-

Here comes the next morning when I just got woken up by HS at 6.50am and then came Qiuli's call when she might not be able to come to school because she's sick. ANyway after much discussion and consultation from Huang Yan, the group shall go ahead with the presentation without QiuLi.
Had our PBL presentation this morning. Things were still alright but got a bit of scolding by Huang Yan. But still.. I think at the very least, we did our best le, though might not be at full force. (forgive me if I contradict myself)

After the presentation went up to my lab to slack. Was pretty tired after what went on the previous night and I only had 4 hours of sleep. =X In any case, during Proteomics lecture I wasn't really paying attention as i was really too tired and I wasn't catching up with what Huang Yan said. I'll have to get someone's notes for myself to copy.
After which went off to meet Xue'er in school. Instead of praying ended up both of us complaining how tired we were and Xue'er praying for me. Thanks pal!! (prayers really does make wonders!)

Kind of tired right now because of the long day I had outside and yesterday's hectic session.
The thought of next week kind of scares me. I'm seriously packed for the whole of next week. Let's see what I have:

Monday, 5/12: FYP + S-Cube Seminar + Orientation @ Expo
Tuesday, 6/12: FYP whole day + Outing with the sisters.
Wed, 7/12: Lessons plus FYP + PM @ Expo
Thu, 8/12: Lessons + WISP Assignment discussion + BS
Fri, 9/12: Lessons + PBL Presentation + FYP + Support duty
Sat, 10/12: Usher duty for Svc 1 @ Expo
Sun, 11/12: CGM + E343 and E31 Combined BBQ.

Was telling Xue'er just now that I was afraid if I could handle what's in stored for me next week. And not to forget I had to start on my FYP Final Report, both BTN and LSSS Term papers and PBL2 for Proteomics. Really could faint sia.. But i trust that God will bring me through all these because I'm a child of God and a disciple of Christ!! Haha..

I better go get some rest now.. toodles everyone!!

Matthew 11:29-31
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light

it got me home
12:03:00 AM


Junius Solomon, 21!
serving NS and can't wait to be doing more for God!!


Ushering, reading, going out, online chatting, badminton, kayaking!
Being with people in E343, E214, UM G3 and the navy family!
People are the reason why i exist, to fellowship with!




Ei Chien


November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007


zero one two three four


If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.

If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home.
If its only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home

If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home

Boy, my love will get you home
Boy, my love will get you home